The Story of Maraseel

MARCH 3, 2020
Farah became a mother of three after having her twin girls. However, ten days later the world turned upside down with the onset of the Pandemic. After deciding to take a leave from her teaching profession, and when the twins turned one, Farah established Maraseel; a Branding and Design business whose vision is to celebrate the stories of underserved women of the world. 

At Maraseel we take pride in celebrating our Arab Culture through an emphasis on the art of Arabic Calligraphy that we incorporate into our luxury greeting cards and wedding invitations. Our invitation suites focus on telling the love story of each unique couple and provide them with a keepsake to celebrate the beginning of their forever.
Farah’s mission today, is to help other women create magnetic brands that tell their stories like she did. Through her in depth studies, experience in Branding, and as an Educator, Farah offers Branding and Design services for small businesses as well as Hands-on Branding Workshops where participants leave with tools they can put to use immediately in their business.
Browse our website if you are looking for wedding invitations, or want to gift something special to your loved ones, or if you want to work on a personalized project book a consultation with Farah today.
Click for Our Consultation Book